Family Minister Spiegel announces more parental allowance – politics

The new Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Anne Spiegel, has announced paid leave for parents immediately after the birth of a child. “We will be introducing the new option that one parent – mostly the fathers – can stay with the family for the first two weeks after the birth with a full salary,” said Spiegel der Rheinische Post. Until now, you often had to laboriously save days for this.

In addition, according to the minister, more months of parental allowance should be made possible for couples who split up parental leave. “We want to give more support when couples see childcare as an equal responsibility.”

Spiegel also announced relief for family carers. “We also want to enable people who care for relatives to take a professional break through family care leave,” she said. “For this we want to create a service similar to the parental allowance.”

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