Families: SPD and Greens insist on basic child security

SPD and Greens insist on basic child security

The introduction of a so-called basic child security is one of the central socio-political projects of the traffic light coalition. photo

© Peter Kneffel/dpa

The basic child security is intended to make it easier for families to receive financial benefits for children. The Ministry of Family Affairs has now presented key points – but not everyone is happy with it.

After skeptical tones from the Federal Ministry of Finance to the first proposals for a basic child security, the factions of the SPD and the Greens are behind the project. It is an agreed project of the entire coalition, said the deputy chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Sönke Rix, of the German Press Agency in Berlin. “I therefore expect that the FDP and the Federal Minister of Finance will also take part.”

The deputy chairwoman of the Greens parliamentary group, Maria Klein-Schmeink, made a similar statement. The two MPs responded to criticism from the Ministry of Finance. The house of department head Christian Lindner (FDP) had emphasized that it was too early to assess the project.

Rix emphasized: “Fighting child poverty and thus introducing basic child security is a top priority for the SPD – especially in times of crisis, but also beyond.” Child poverty cannot be combated with low taxes and certainly not for free.

“Fighting child poverty without hesitation or procrastination”

The Greens politician Klein-Schmeink told the dpa that the basic child security is the socio-political reform project of this legislative period and this traffic light government. “We don’t accept that every fifth child in Germany grows up in poverty. That’s why the success of this major socio-political reform is a matter close to our hearts.”

It is clear that basic child security must become an effective lever against child poverty, both in terms of material security and with a view to participation and development opportunities for children and young people, said Klein-Schmeink. “We must now move forward without hesitation or hesitation and fight child poverty.” However, basic child security will only be successfully implemented together as traffic light groups and with the many actors in civil society.

DGB board member Anja Piel told the dpa that child poverty is a scandal with serious disadvantages for those affected. “Under no circumstances should the federal government postpone combating this poverty – especially not in a rich country like Germany. We expect the traffic light to quickly implement the basic child protection announced in the coalition agreement.” Every additional day of doing nothing deprives children of important development opportunities.

Ministry of Finance: “Apparently a quick shot”

The Federal Ministry of Finance, led by Lindner, reacted with surprise to the publication of the key points of basic child security. “The internal government procedures were not observed here. The results of the interministerial working groups are not yet available,” the ministry said. It is therefore too early for an assessment. “It is obviously a rush job before the Berlin elections. There can therefore be no guarantee that these preliminary considerations can really be implemented,” said a representative of the Ministry of Finance. The Berlin election is in mid-February.

“All coalition projects must fit into the federal budget. In addition, the effect on the labor market must be examined,” the ministry said. In many cases, the children’s parents would have to return to work to overcome the family’s poverty. It was emphasized that there should be no new incentives that would lead in the wrong direction.

Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) had previously presented key points for the basic child security plan planned by the traffic light and put it into the internal government vote. The plans became public on Thursday. Basic child security is one of the central socio-political projects of the coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP. Various services from child benefit and child allowance to financial support for school trips and leisure time are to be bundled in it. Many families have so far not applied for benefits due to ignorance or bureaucratic hurdles.


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