Families: coalition decision: child benefit should rise to 250 euros

Coalition decision: child benefit should increase to 250 euros

Child benefit should be increased. photo

© Jens Büttner/ZB/dpa

The high prices are a heavy burden for many families. The traffic light coalition now wants to relieve them even more than previously thought – through higher child benefits.

Families can expect more child benefits in the coming year than previously planned. The traffic light factions decided on Wednesday in the Bundestag Finance Committee to increase state support to a uniform monthly rate of 250 euros on January 1st. According to information from the German Press Agency, the opposition Union also agreed.

“I am pleased that it has been possible to relieve families significantly more and to increase child benefit again,” emphasized Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens). The Bundestag is scheduled to vote on the new rates on Thursday.

Rising prices for groceries, rent and energy are demanding a lot from low-income families, explained Paus. They would have to spend more on their living expenses than households without children and therefore suffered more from inflation. Now the coalition is sending them the message: “We won’t leave you alone!”

31 euros more for first and second child

For the first two children, there will be 31 euros more per month than before. A plus of 25 euros is provided for the third child. The rate for the fourth child should remain unchanged, it is already 250 euros per month.

Up to now it was already planned to raise the child benefit because of the high inflation and the energy crisis. But only an increase to 237 euros for the first three children was planned.

“The traffic light goes a step further when it comes to relieving families,” said SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich. This means important additional support, especially for families with low and middle incomes. FDP parliamentary group leader Christoph Meyer said: “This is the largest increase in child benefit in the history of the Federal Republic.” It was a particular concern of the traffic light coalition that families with children in particular had more money in their wallets at the end of the month, emphasized FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr.

“Important protection against child poverty”

The parliamentary group leader of the Greens, Katharina Dröge, emphasized that the increase goes well beyond the previously agreed rate. “This is an important protection against child poverty,” she emphasized. Families in particular would be hit hard by the high prices for energy and food.

Today, the child benefit is 219 euros for the first and second child. There is 225 euros for the third child and 250 euros for the fourth and each additional child.

In the future, child benefit in Germany is to be replaced by basic child security that would combine various family benefits. “Today’s decision is an important step in the right direction,” said Greens parliamentary group leader Andreas Audretsch.

With the basic child security, there should be a guarantee amount for all children and young people that is independent of income. Families with a low income should receive an additional amount. Paus wants the first money from this basic security to be paid out in 2025. Nothing is known about the height.


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