Falk Richter’s “Bad Kingdom” at the Berlin Schaubühne: – Culture

Two men, one woman – three buttocks balancing on exercise balls. The round under the tailbone demands posture from the trio: they have to be upright and look each other in the eyes without any possibility of escape. The seating constellation in Falk Richter’s new piece is twofold “Bad Kingdom” played through. The first time it ends in a crying fit, the second time it ends in a female philippines about psychotic society. Because what the gentlemen are saying drives the couples therapist herself to the brink of madness. Instead of “I, I, I” it should finally be about “We, we, we”. The clients’ narcissistic strongholds are rock solid. The professional psychospeaker cannot blow them open, let alone grind them. Which promptly leads to the specialist shouting out her own shortcoming: the yawning loneliness of her existence.

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