Fake Elon Musk Page With Latest Verified Sign Flying

The fake Elon Musk Facebook fan page with 153,000 followers, previously Verified, confirmed it was an official page. Recently, the said page is no longer accessible. It’s unclear whether Facebook removed it or the owner chose to shut it down.

such fake pages didn’t start as Elon Musk’s fan page bypageHistory indicates that the name has been changed several times. And most recently, it was changed to Elon Musk twice, on October 17, with a page admin in Egypt.

Verified on Facebook is required.formrequired for official identification using documents such as driver’s license, passport ID card Recent utility bills, etc. It’s unclear when this fake page was confirmed.

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The post fake Elon Musk page that got the latest Verified sign in flight appeared first on Bitcoin Addict.

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