Fake cat, fake cannabis… The craziest fake props in the series

Such a big sun is at the cutting edge when it comes to tricks. The Montpellier company Les tontons truqueurs, a true star of special effects, has indeed worked miracles for the France 2 series, by embedding pharaonic landscapes in the decor. But sometimes, the little tricks used by the soap opera team are much simpler.

Thus, the prop makers ofSuch a big sun design fake cannabis, from rabbit alfalfa or Provence herbs. They also have counterfeit banknotes, manufactured in strict compliance with the exception granted to the audiovisual sector. Fake weapons, larger than life. Fake stones, made of foam, which do not risk hurting the actors if they take them on their heads. A fake cat, a little creepy. And even fake medicines, including empty capsules, which can be ingested without danger.

20 minutes takes you, with Jacques Ortuno Zamorano, assistant decorator ofSuch a big sunbehind the scenes of the series, to discover its craziest accessories.

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