Fainting in your mid-20s: A mini device provides the answer

The diagnosis
A young man keeps falling unconscious. The answer comes from a mini device

Loss of consciousness is one of the most common medical emergencies

© Katrin Funcke / Art Act / stern

He’s actually young and healthy, but a man in his mid-twenties keeps fainting. The doctors find nothing. Until an expert uses a small device for monitoring.

A friend called me because he was worried about his son. For four years, the twenty-something has been unconscious for a short period of time every few months. He was checked several times in the emergency room and each time he was released without having done anything. The only advice he was given was to drink less and party. A farce, because the young man had long lived a withdrawn life out of worry. Relationships had broken down because he had become so discouraged and believed he would die soon.

He confirmed what he had told me at the first meeting. The fainting always comes completely suddenly, and after a few seconds he is completely back. In the clinic, an ECG was done several times, blood pressure was measured and the heart was examined using ultrasound. All values ​​were unremarkable.

diagnoses. He almost certainly had what is known as sick sinus syndrome (SSS). This includes various cardiac arrhythmias in which the sinus node does not function properly. This is a collection of cells in the heart that set the rhythm of the heart’s beating frequency, similar to how the batsman rows. If the clock generator is damaged, the heartbeat can accelerate significantly or, as here, extremely slow down.

SSS usually occurs in older people when the sinus node tissue is damaged by heart failure, myocarditis, or coronary artery disease. Certain medications or illnesses such as diabetes are also possible triggers. The disease is extremely rare in young people. In this patient’s case we found no trigger. The best way to treat SSS with a slow heart rate is with a pacemaker. Since I put a pacemaker in the man, he hasn’t fainted. He has found new courage to live and even got married some time ago.

The diagnosis is also available to listen to: The podcast of the same name with stern editor Dr. You can listen to Anika Geisler music every two weeks for free via the RTL+ app or wherever podcasts are available.

Transparency note: The star is part of RTL Deutschland.

Published in stern 15/2024

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