Failure of COP26 would trigger ‘uncontrollable’ anger, warns Boris Johnson

A failure of the Glasgow climate conference would trigger in the world “uncontrollable anger and impatience,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned on Monday, opening the summit which launches COP26.

“All the promises would be nothing but blah blah” in case of failure, he said, paraphrasing the face of the global youth movement for the climate Greta Thunberg. “Yes it will be difficult. Yes no we can do it, so let’s get down to business, ”urged Boris Johnson.

“We dig our own graves”

the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, also emphasized, in his speech, the consequences that a failure of the COP26 in Glasgow would have. “It is time to say ‘Enough’,” said the UN chief, addressing the dozens of world leaders gathered in front of him.

“Enough of brutalizing biodiversity. Enough of killing ourselves with carbon. Enough of treating nature like a toilet. Enough of burning and drilling and mining always deeper. We are digging our own graves, ”he denounced. Instead of continuing to exploit the planet, “choose to save our future and save humanity,” he added.

According to the UN chief, humanity is “pushed to the brink” by “our addiction to fossil fuels”. For island states in particular, threatened by rising sea levels, a failure by COP26 to step up efforts to limit global warming would be tantamount to “a death warrant”.

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