Faced with the inflexibility of the management, the newspaper will not appear on Sunday

War of attrition Sunday newspaper, where the strike will prevent the publication of the newspaper for the third Sunday in a row. The editorial staff is still opposed to the appointment as its head of the journalist marked on the far right Geoffroy Lejeune, but the management remains inflexible. “The deadlock situation continues”, blows a journalist from the JDD who wishes to remain anonymous.

The strike began on June 22 and has entered its third week. It was renewed for 24 hours on Friday, at 95% (92 for, five against, seven do not decide), according to the SDJ (Society of Journalists) of JDD. According to a member of the editorial staff, this will prevent the publication of the newspaper for the third consecutive Sunday, which is historic. The previous strike, in 2016, affected only one.

One million euros loss

The website of JDD, he is frozen on June 22: there is not a word about the riots, which started five days later and made the headlines of all the rest of the press. Sign of a situation that is getting bogged down, the SDJ repeated word for word the terms of the previous days in its press release on Friday.

The Lagardère group [qui détient le journal] must renounce this appointment and must provide the editorial staff with legal and editorial guarantees, ”she said in her daily press release. These are “two demands to which management has remained deaf so far, preferring to impose the arrival of Geoffroy Lejeune”, lamented the SDJ, while internally, the shortfall is estimated at one million euros. win driven at this point by the newspaper’s non-appearance.

Vincent Bolloré behind the scenes

Former editor of the weekly Current valuessupport for the far-right candidate Eric Zemmour for the 2022 presidential election, Geoffroy Lejeune should have met the editorial staff of the JDD Wednesday but the latter refused. Even if Arnaud Lagardère, the boss of the group, denies it, many observers see in this appointment the hand of billionaire Vincent Bolloré, with opinions deemed ultra-conservative.

It comes indeed just after the green light given under conditions by the European Commission to Vivendi, the group of Vincent Bolloré, to swallow Lagardère, which is however not yet effective. Despite the stalemate, “there is no dejection, we want to fight”, assures AFP the journalist of the JDD, describing a writing “very united, even if it is exhausting”. The editorial staff received a lot of support on the left and in the profession. But “we would like to be defended more by the government and by LR”, he regrets. In his eyes, this “shows the power of Vincent Bolloré: they are afraid of grilling themselves with him”.

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