Faced with the difficulties of the public hospital, the State is betting on general practitioners for the summer

The communication campaign has been launched, perhaps you read it on a poster, heard it on the radio or saw it on television? This invites you to call 15 before going to the emergency room in case of health concerns. Objective: to avoid overcrowding in already saturated emergency services, when they are not temporarily closed due to a lack of nursing staff. With the summer, and while the population will double in Paca due to the massive arrival of tourists combined with a violent resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic, the State services are expecting an episode ” of great hospital tension”, explained Christophe Mirmand, prefect of the Paca region.

“This tension is cyclical, but also structural, aggravated by the shortage of nursing staff,” he added. “We have lost staff in all hospitals, and this forces us to reorganize the services and the patient care pathway”, added Philippe De Mester, director general of the regional health agency (ARS). In some hospitals, such as Draguignan (Var), “there are up to 40% vacancies. We are in a situation never seen”, noted Anthony Valdez, Director of the offer of care at the ARS Paca.

A change made to last?

To face this summer of all dangers, the authorities are now betting on the involvement of general practitioners for the management of unscheduled care, in a paradigm shift in the approach to health in France. A roadmap built from the flash mission carried out by François Braun, in the weeks preceding his arrival at the Ministry of Health. In action, the State therefore asks the French to first call their doctor or 15 who will direct you, if they deem it necessary, to emergencies or city medicine, while a directory of doctors is being compiled. accepting patients without an appointment, with a bonus of 15 euros per patient as an incentive.

It is in fact “a systemic change in our emergency medicine” which is taking place, explained Philippe De Mester. Called SAS (Service access to care), the keystone of this experimental building for the time being is fed by new digital tools such as the shared patient file or telemedicine. It aims to direct “to a health professional available to take care of a need that does not justify a visit to the emergency room”. This both to remedy the closures of services for lack of personnel, but also to avoid an over-solicitation of emergencies that is not always justified.

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