Faced with protest, the refugee center project at Arago high school is suspended

“Do not touch my school”, “no residence in the school of confidence” … Since the beginning of the week, messages of anger are displayed at the entrance of the Arago vocational high school, establishment of 400 students located close to the tram station
Rector-Schmitt, north of Nantes. The banners are the work of parents and staff, united in their opposition to a housing construction project on the school site. The prefecture is in fact studying the possibility of installing around a hundred accommodation for “refugees, young workers and students,” she said.

These four-storey modular buildings, which could be delivered in less than two years, would be located on the site of the current visitor parking lot, on a plot belonging to the university, and therefore to the State. It is not located “in the school” but “on the outskirts”, argues the prefecture. However, the chosen site is adjacent to the rooms and workshops of the school and requires crossing the gates of the establishment to gain access.

“The prefect plays on words, denounces Gaëtan Papillon, teacher and co-secretary of the union CGT educ 44. The problem is not the issue of migrants but the presence of adult accommodation within the establishment. This is not the place for that at all! A high school should remain only a place of learning. Students need to be supported in a stable and neutral environment. Opponents of the project, who have received the support of the regional council, also criticize “the lack of consultation” on the part of the state.

“Sometimes scandalous allegations”

Their message seems to have been heard. Solicited this Wednesday by 20 minutes, the
Loire-Atlantique prefecture considers unfounded the comments of opponents, while announcing that the project is finally suspended. “As with any feasibility study, there is no opening schedule at this stage,” says one in the entourage of the prefect Didier Martin. Taking into account the untruths, rumors and sometimes scandalous allegations which circulate concerning this feasibility study, the prefect decided with the rector to temporarily put “in brackets” the realization of this study. “

Relieved by the news, the staff and parents of Arago students still decided to demonstrate this Thursday noon in front of the school gates. “Suspended does not mean canceled, reacts Gaëtan Papillon. We maintain the mobilization. Everyone thinks this project is inconsistent. “

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