Faced with a shortage of coach drivers, the region takes out the checkbook

“We are all in trouble”. In Brittany as elsewhere, the start of the school year promises to be tense due to the shortage of coach drivers. In the region alone, more than 500 drivers are missing, including 260 on the BreizhGo network operated by the regional council. “This is the first time that we are going to run out of drivers at the start of the school year,” laments President Loïg Chesnais-Girard. For users, this glaring lack of labor will be felt from September with lines that will be removed, while others will be agglomerated. “We will have to merge lines, which will result in longer journey times and earlier departures,” he warns.

Several factors explain this shortage, which has affected the passenger transport sector for several years. The lack of attractiveness first of all, with remuneration considered low. But also difficult working conditions, often with staggered hours. And then, The health crisis went through there to add a layer.

Training and upgrading of salaries

To solve this delicate problem and try to encourage vocations, the Brittany region is forced to take out the checkbook and release ten million euros over three years. A sum which should make it possible to finance the training of future drivers. “We need to talk about these professions better to reach people who are very far from them and who could be interested in an additional salary”, underlines the socialist president of the region.

During its plenary session, the community is also preparing to vote, this Friday morning, on a salary increase for coach drivers working part-time on the BreizhGo network. The measure will concern drivers mobilized early in the morning and then only at the end of the afternoon for school transport. To “value this cut”, the 1,500 drivers of the BreizgGo network concerned will be revalued up to 150 euros gross per month. The region also undertakes to pay coach drivers a thirteenth month upon hiring, “subject to presence in the position on December 31”.

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