Facebook: Zuckerberg declares young people the sole target group – business

Under the competitive pressure of its Chinese rival Tiktok, Facebook wants to become more attractive to young users. All Facebook apps get the goal of becoming the best services for adults between the ages of 18 and 29, “instead of optimizing for a larger number of older people,” said founder and boss Mark Zuckerberg. At the same time, Facebook is investing billions in building a virtual world in which Zuckerberg sees the next communication platform.

The focus on young users will have consequences, said Zuckerberg in a conference call with analysts. In other age groups, there will probably be less growth as a result – but it is the right approach in the long term. At the same time, it will “take years, not months, to fully implement the change”. The Facebook boss described the video service Tiktok as “one of the most efficient competitors we have ever faced”.

Specifically, the plans seem to mean, among other things, that on Facebook and the Instagram photo service, short videos – Tiktok’s core business – will come to the fore. Most recently, 60 percent of video advertising revenue came from portrait clips that were less than 15 seconds long. Young adults have traditionally been a “strong base,” said Zuckerberg. “And that’s important because they are the future.” In the past decade, however, the user base has become more diverse and Facebook has focused on being there for everyone. Now the needs of the younger generation should become the “guiding star”.

The latest internal Facebook documents that have become public include analyzes that show that Facebook is used less by young people in the USA. Zuckerberg called the current wave of critical media reports based on internal documents a “coordinated attempt” to present his company in the wrong light. Among the allegations that go back to the former employee Frances Haugen, the one that weighs particularly heavily is that Facebook knew, thanks to surveys and data analysis, that its services cause damage in real life, but ignored this in order to make money.

Facebook is promoting its “Metaverse” virtual environment

There was no change in the group name, which has been speculated about since last week, when the current quarterly figures were presented on Monday. According to media reports, a new name should lead other apps like Instagram out of the shadow of Facebook, the group’s first and most important platform. At the same time, it is also about anchoring the evolution towards the “metaverse” – a virtual environment in which real and digital worlds interlock. Zuckerberg reaffirmed that he saw this as the future of communication.

Even without a new corporate name, the “Metaverse” activities are taking shape. Facebook announced that the previous area around virtual reality – the Facebook Reality Labs – should be shown separately in the balance sheet from the coming quarter. The latest quarterly report said that investments in the division would depress Facebook’s operating profit by around ten billion dollars this year alone.

The money for the future projects is still provided by the well-running advertising business. In the third quarter, ad revenue rose about a third year over year to $ 28.3 billion. Facebook complained about “headwinds”, especially from Apple’s new rules for more privacy on the iPhone. Since the summer, all app developers have had to explicitly ask iPhone users for permission if they want to track their activities across different applications and services for advertising purposes. According to surveys, most users reject this. Accordingly, many previous business models in the advertising industry are getting mixed up. According to Facebook, it has become more difficult to personalize advertising and to provide advertisers with data on the efficiency of their ads.

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