Face Yoga: Secret tip for smooth skin without wrinkles

face yoga
Insider tip for smooth skin without wrinkles

Hollywood stars like Gwyneth Paltrow swear by the firming effect of Face Yoga.

© lev radin/Shutterstock

A more lasting option than botox or surgery: how face yoga helps us achieve smooth skin. Stars like Gwyneth Paltrow love it.

The face tells a lot about us. It is often crucial for the first impression. Of course we want to show our best side here. We do a lot to look healthy, lively and young – from manual facial treatments to creams to operations or the use of nerve toxins such as Botox. However, there is also a more sustainable and healthier way to shine with a vital and youthful face: Face Yoga has been very trendy for a few months.

Face Yoga trains and relaxes

In addition to anti-aging effects, Face Yoga is said to have a relaxing and invigorating effect. Behind the term facial yoga are various exercises that on the one hand train and build up the muscles in the face and on the other hand contribute to the relaxation of these muscles.

Hollywood stars like Jennifer Aniston (53) and Gwyneth Paltrow (49) swear by facial acrobatics. And Duchess Meghan (40) also used the exercises during her time as an actress, as she once revealed in an interview: “I swear it works, even if it makes you feel a little weird. On the days that I practice, my cheekbones and jawline are much better shaped.”

It is no coincidence that actresses rely on the exercises: During their training, they often learn various movements that refine facial expressions and help to master facial muscles and expressions. Positive side effect: the facial skin tightens. The yoga exercises can also counteract the age-related loss of muscle mass in the face. The users of the training can smooth out smaller expression lines, smooth out deeper lines and look up to three years younger – as this New York Times article shows.

Study Proves Rejuvenating Effects of Face Yoga

The rejuvenating effects have also been noted in a study proven. The exercises can be used to work on problem areas such as forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, nasolabial folds, tear sacs, neck and chin area. Face Yoga also helps to improve blood circulation, nourish and relax the skin, which has an overall rejuvenating and revitalizing effect. This makes the face appear friendlier, more relaxed and more open.

Face Yoga offers numerous possibilities to tighten the facial skin again and to do something good for yourself. You don’t need much for the exercises: your own hands and possibly a mirror. Important: Clean your hands and face before training and save on moisturizing so that your hands do not slip off. Maintain an upright posture during all exercises. Whether standing or sitting.

Face Yoga – relaxation exercises

Close your eyes and gently cover them with the heels of your hands. Breathe calmly and evenly. With each exhale, consciously release all tension in your face (forehead, jaw, scalp, eyes).

Gently tap your fingertips over your face, neck and décolleté to stimulate circulation and metabolism.

Place the index and middle fingers of both hands on the right and left between the nose and eyebrows, gently stroke the wall of the nose down and continue the movement below the eye socket over the cheekbones to the ears. Repeat this exercise several times while breathing evenly and calmly.

You should repeat these exercises between strengthening exercises.

Face Yoga – Strengthening Exercises

Lion Face: Close your eyes and mouth and take a deep breath. Then open both at the same time, stick out your tongue and breathe out. Repeat up to three times.

Against lip wrinkles: Pull the corners of the mouth up and out. Like a grin. Leave the rest of your face relaxed. And imagine how to pronounce an “I”, a slight buzzing sound can occur. Hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat six times

Train cheek muscles for fuller cheeks: keep your mouth closed and then fill it with air. Move the air from left to right in the mouth. Repeat six times.

What do you have to consider when doing Face Yoga?

If you’ve got a taste for it, we recommend having a yoga expert show you the exercises. With professional support, you can create an individual training plan that is tailored to your needs. If you want to start alone, it is best to use a mirror to help you.

It is recommended to repeat the exercises in about three series, four to six times. The exercises can be repeated up to five days a week. Important: Give the facial muscles enough regeneration time (24 to 48 hours), just like when training other muscle groups. Our facial skin is particularly sensitive. Use only light pressure and listen to your body. In addition to face yoga exercises, a balanced diet, regular exercise, UV protection and the right care are of course also important for radiant skin.


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