Fabio Knez in the jungle camp: This is what you need to know about him

Jungle camp 2024
Vacuum cleaner representative with Speedo fetish: This is Fabio Knez

Jungle Camp 2024: Fabio Knez likes tight swimming trunks


Fabio Knez is unlikely to be a household name for most jungle camp fans. Meanwhile, the Italian stood out even more in a dating format – also thanks to his fashion preferences.

The new season of the RTL format “I’m a Star – Get Me Out of Here!” started on January 19th. The show will once again take place in Australia. RTL brought the twelve more or less prominent participants there. The star introduces all candidates. Here: : Fabio Knez.

Profile: Fabio Knez, reality TV actor

Birth: 1993
Place of residence: Munich
Marital status: in a relationship with GNTM candidate Darya Strelnikova
Known by: “Make Love Fake Love” and “Are You The One”

The biggest success

In “Are You The One – Reality Stars in Love” Fabio Knez found his great love in the former GNTM candidate Darya Strelnikova. Personally, this was probably his greatest success in recent history. Knez had previously attracted attention through his participation in the dating format “Make Love Fake Love”. There he fought for Yeliz Koc’s heart, but primarily caused a laugh – and not just because of his preference for very tight Speedo swimming trunks. Before he ventured into television, Knez worked, among other things, as a vacuum cleaner salesman.

Why is he going to the jungle camp?

Like most reality stars, Knez is probably looking for more attention. Through the jungle camp he could become known to a very wide audience – and of course that pays off.


Who else is going to jungle camp 2024?

These are the twelve participants of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!”:

Editorial disclosure: The star is part of RTL Germany.


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