Fabien Roussel (PCF) wants a free driving license for those under 25

He continues to chart his course far from the proposals of his colleagues on the left. The communist presidential candidate, Fabien Roussel, proposed on Saturday to make the driving license free for those under 25, and thus promote equality on mobility issues.

The question of travel by personal car “is a question of equality which arises for many French people (…) who have no other choice than to take the car to get around”, especially in rural areas, has defended Fabien Roussel invited to the 13 Hours of TF1.

Fabien Roussel also offers owners of polluting vehicles a new conversion bonus applicable to used cars, and up to 10,000 euros.

Fighting pollution without taxing the most modest

“I want to fight against pollution, because it is harmful to health, but without hitting the working classes, without hitting the working class, the middle classes”, insisted the PCF candidate, who claims to embody a “popular left” in the presidential campaign.

Purchasing power and work will be at the heart of Fabien Roussel’s program, which is to be unveiled on Monday.

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