Extremism: Sylt bar files criminal complaint after racism scandal

Sylt bar files criminal complaint after racism scandal

The police are examining a video of racist shouting outside the Sylt bar. Photo

© Georg Wendt/dpa

A video in which young people on Sylt shout racist slogans has caused outrage. The bar where the party took place has defended its behavior and filed criminal charges.

After the racist shouting of several of their party guests, the operators of the affected bar have Sylt defended their behavior at the time of the scandal and initiated legal action. “If our staff had noticed such behavior at any time, we would have reacted immediately. We would have immediately informed the police and filed a criminal complaint. We have now been able to do that,” wrote the operators of the well-known Pony restaurant in the upscale holiday resort of Kampen on Instagram.

The people in question have been identified and reported. “We do not tolerate this deeply antisocial behavior. We never have and we never will. That is why we are now taking action against it with all means at our disposal.” They are still shocked and deeply dismayed. “Racism and fascism have no place in our society.”

Old party hit becomes a template for racists

In a video lasting just a few seconds, which went viral and is said to have been made at Pentecost, you can see and hear young people shouting racist slogans to the tune of the more than 20-year-old party hit “L’amour Toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino. They seem to sing “Germany for the Germans – foreigners out!” in a seemingly completely unashamed and exuberant manner.

A man makes a gesture reminiscent of the Hitler salute. None of those standing around seem to be bothered by it. State security is investigating for incitement and the use of unconstitutional symbols. Politicians expressed their shock.

Pony on Instagram

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) described the slogans on Friday as “disgusting” and “unacceptable”. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) told the newspapers of the Funke Media Group: “Anyone who shouts Nazi slogans like ‘Germany for the Germans – foreigners out’ is a disgrace for Germany.”

Sylt is not an isolated case. On Friday it was announced that a similar case had occurred in Lower Saxony over Pentecost. Racist slogans were also shouted at the shooting festival in Löningen, including to the tune of “L’amour Toujours”. State security is also investigating there.

Pony on Instagram


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