Extremism investigations after knife attack in Regensburg clinic – Bavaria

After a 14-year-old attacked a child and a man in a Regensburg district hospital, investigators are not ruling out an extremist background. The Bavarian Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism at the Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office has taken over the investigation into the case into two cases of attempted murder, the police said on Friday. Because the young person may be incompetent, he was placed in a psychiatric clinic.

The 14-year-old had been known to the police since the beginning of the year. Among other things, he is said to have “worked intensively on the planning and execution of the most serious acts of violence” in relevant chat groups. At that point, however, he was not yet of criminal responsibility. The newspapers of the Bavaria Media Group reported on Friday, citing the Regensburg public prosecutor’s office, that the teenager had planned an act of violence at a school in Upper Palatinate. The authority itself could not initially be reached for comment.

In the attack on Thursday, a seven-year-old child was seriously injured with a knife in a hallway in the clinic’s child and adolescent psychiatric facility. According to police, the boy was “in extremely critical condition” on Friday. A 63-year-old was also seriously injured; according to police, his condition was stable on Friday. A 27-year-old employee of the clinic ultimately stopped the attack. He was injured in the hand in the attack, but has since been released from the hospital.

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