Extremism: Demo: 2000 people against the federal government in Magdeburg

Demo: 2000 people against the federal government in Magdeburg

Supporters of right-wing groups protest against the federal government’s policies during a meeting with participants from the right-wing spectrum on the Cathedral Square in Magdeburg. photo

© Michael Bahlo/dpa

Demonstrators in Magdeburg are calling for the overthrow of the federal government and calling its Corona measures a crime. The AfD is also there. There are also counter-protests nearby.

According to police, around 2,000 people gathered on Cathedral Square on Saturday Magdeburg demonstrated against the federal government with slogans such as “Germany stands up! Restart democracy”.

According to dpa reporters, those involved in the event, which was proclaimed a “non-partisan rally for the nationwide Day of Truth”, included supporters and members of presumably right-wing groups, parties such as the AfD and Die Basis as well as associations and institutions that were critical of the Corona protective measures positioned.

Elevator ran smoothly

Signs and flags were shown with inscriptions such as “We are the red line”, “Healthy without coercion” and “Politicians must stick”. There were speeches and music. The registered elevator through the city center in the late afternoon ran smoothly, a police spokesman said in the evening.

According to police information, around 140 people protested in front of the cathedral portal under the motto “Germany is standing up? We’re taking a seat!” against the rally on Cathedral Square. The civil society alliance Solidarisches Magdeburg and the Left Youth called for the event. According to their own statements, they wanted to take a stand against right-wing ideologies and conspiracy narratives.


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