Extreme storms hit Germany – weather expert speaks of danger to life

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Is Pentecost a failure? Dangerous storms are rushing towards Germany and are threatening to endanger lives with local flash floods.

Frankfurt – Full cellars, flooded streets. Germany is threatened with serious storms, warns meteorologist Dominik Jung von Weather.net. The Weather-Expert warns: Flood alarm is in effect until Whit Saturday. Dangerous heavy rain is particularly heading towards the southwest.

Weather alarm in Germany: Model maps show heavy rain – “you have to be very careful”

The model maps show up to 100 liters of rain per square meter, and in some places it can even be more. “That means full basements, flooded streets. You really have to be very careful until Saturday. “It’s getting bad here,” says Jung. Danger applies in:

  • North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Hesse
  • Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Saarland
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • Bavaria (partly)

And the weather models agree Danger of floods agreed, heavy rain is coming to Germany. All maps glow pink around the Eifel, the French forecast even puts the precipitation warning well into the middle of the country – with extensions as far as Brandenburg.

“Where the storms occur, it can be violent”: Flash floods are threatening in Germany

“It won’t affect everyone, but where the storms are, it can be severe,” says Jung. The flash floods only occur locally and usually only last two to three hours, but in some cases there is a danger to life, according to the weather expert. The storm situation has the south of Germany in trouble. Hoch Uwe only ensures sunny days in the east and north, but it stays here Fall in the weather at Pentecost out of.

The international weather maps glow pink: Heavy rain is coming to Germany. © Rolf Poss/Imago/Screenshot/Dominik Jung/Wetternet

The German Weather Service (DWD) also warns of local storms. On Wednesday (May 15th) thunderstorms will appear from the edge of the Alps and the foothills from the early afternoon, move northwestwards and coalesce in the evening. That means: BavariaBaden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, southern Hesse and the southwest of North Rhine-Westphalia are affected.

Weather expert feared severe storm damage: “The water comes and goes, dirt and damage remains”

The DWD does not rule out local heavy rain of up to 60 liters per square meter. And the situation will not change at least until Friday (May 17th). In some cases there is a threat of storms and heavy, continuous rain. The dangerous situation therefore also applies until at least Saturday (May 18th).

The storm should be over by the weekend. Jung states: “The water comes and goes, dirt and damage remains.” The meteorologist fears severe storm damage, but calms things down a bit and makes it clear: it shouldn’t be as bad as it was back then in the Ahr Valley. (moe)

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