Exposing the truth of Thai people and crypto pyramid schemes with Pol Col Pongpol at BCTH 2022

In the crypto industry there are scammers. How can we protect ourselves from scammers? Nowadays, it is undeniable that there are more Ponzi schemes happening in society. And there are also many people who believe in investing and losing huge amounts of money.

Pol. Col. Pongpol Iamwicharn Former Deputy Spokesperson of the Royal Thai Police and Superintendent of the Cyber ​​Support Group The Technological Investigation Bureau also spoke at Blockchain Thailand Genesis 2022 to educate about scam projects disguised as crypto projects.

He has educated the public on how Ponzi schemes often do business, such as scamming high returns, focusing on acquiring more members but not selling products, etc. Currently, there are still projects. Ponzi scheme that pretends to do crypto-related business to be seen in society

There are also other projects that are considered scams but not Ponzi schemes, such as cryptojacking. Embedding malware in the browser links to scammers, if the user’s computer is abnormally hot, must be checked immediately!, Creation of fake crypto trading sites, linking to famous platforms, etc.

Colonel Pongpol concluded the session with the following words:

“I want everyone to invest with caution and always study knowledge.”

In this regard, Pol. Col. Pongpol is about to launch a platform “Social Bureau” (https://socialbureau.io/) to receive reports of cybercrime.

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