Explosives or narcotics? Three arrests after the discovery of suspicious chemicals

It was neighbors, disturbed by strong pungent odors, who raised the alarm and called the firefighters. Three individuals were arrested Saturday evening after the discovery of suspicious chemicals in an apartment in downtown Montmorency (Val-d’Oise), we learned this Sunday.

Four buckets containing elements that could be used “to make explosives” were found in the home, according to a police source. Another source indicates for its part that it is “the drug manufacturing route” which is “considered”. Analyzes are underway “to have more certain hypotheses on the destination of the products,” she added.

A security perimeter around the building

Around thirty fake IDs were also found at the scene. The three people arrested and placed in police custody are the couple who own the accommodation, two in their forties, and the tenant, aged around thirty.

As a precaution, the two-story building which houses the apartment was evacuated during the night and a security perimeter of one hundred meters established while chemical and bacteriological analyzes were carried out. The investigation is being carried out by the Val-d’Oise judicial police.

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