Explosions in Kabul: Is the IS splinter group behind the attack?

As of: 08/26/2021 6:51 p.m.

After the explosions near Kabul airport, German security circles assume at least one suicide attack. An IS splinter group in particular is suspected, said ARD-Terrorism expert Stempfle tagesschau24.

According to the ARD-Terrorism expert Michael Stempfle, it is very likely that the explosions near Kabul airport can be traced back to a splinter group of the so-called Islamic State. According to initial findings, the German security forces would assume at least one suicide attack in the Afghan capital, Stempfle said in an interview with tagesschau24.

However, it is currently not assumed that an assassin could smuggle himself onto the airport premises. In addition, the Bundeswehr would emphasize that no German soldiers are affected by the explosions.

Michael Stempfle, ARD terror expert, on the possible masterminds of the attacks

tagesschau24 5:00 p.m., August 26, 2021

Competition among Islamist terrorist organizations

The success of the militant Islamist Taliban would fuel competition among Islamist terrorist organizations, said Stempfle. While the radical Islamic Al-Qaeda is more likely to have the goal of gaining a foothold in Afghanistan with the help of the Taliban, the possible attacks can be attributed to the terrorist militia “Islamic State” – or the splinter group “ISIS-K” – with a certain degree of plausibility .

“The IS groups would never sit down at the table with an enemy,” said Stempfle. That is exactly what the Taliban would have done. Therefore, among other things, the US secret services had warned of attacks in Kabul. “The Taliban’s goal is to found an emirate in Afghanistan. ISIS, on the other hand, wants to expand,” said Stempfle. That was also shown by the terrorist militia “Islamic State” attack plans in Europe in 2016.

It will be seen in the future whether the Taliban are again harboring terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. That was the case in the past, when, among other things, the attacks of September 11th in the USA were planned from Afghanistan.

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