Explosion in rue Saint-Jacques: update on the

Following the explosion that occurred on Wednesday afternoon June 21, at 277 rue Saint-Jacques in the 5th arrondissement, in a private building, the City of Paris immediately activated the crisis unit. In addition to the reception unit opened in the town hall of the 5th arrondissement, several accommodation solutions are offered to disaster victims.

Faced with this tragedy, the City of Paris sends its thoughts to the victims and their loved ones and stands by their side to provide them with help and assistance.

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of 5e borough, the secretary general of the city and the municipal teams immediately went to the site on Wednesday at the end of the afternoon.

A reception cell in the town hall of 5e

In connection with the City of Paris, a reception unit has been opened in the town hall of 5e district in order to welcome, take care of and inform the victims and the residents affected.

The social landlords of the City of Paris were also mobilized. All of the residents and victims with proof of a need for rehousing were taken care of the same evening by the City. Thus, Wednesday evening, ten people without accommodation, and who requested it, were able to be relocated: five by the services of the City of Paris and five by social landlords, in municipal structures or in hotels. .

Legal and psychological help for disaster victims

In order to support the victims and the residents concerned, the City of Paris has set up an aid unit and a dedicated channel on 39 75.

Legal and psychological support is offered by Paris Aid to Victims. The hotlines are held at the town hall of 5e from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., by phone on 01 83 62 25 05 and 07 88 70 70 38 and by email [espaceinformatif.pav puis pav75.fr après le signe @][email protected][espaceinformatif.pav puis pav75.fr après le signe @]

Securing the perimeter, helping traders

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