Explosion heard in Kabul after rocket fire

An explosion was heard this Sunday afternoon in Kabul, three days after a deadly attack at the airport in the Afghan capital, where Westerners are completing their evacuation operations.

The explosion, heard by AFP journalists, was caused by a rocket fire which “according to initial information hit a house”, according to an official of the former government overthrown two weeks ago by the taliban

A new attack deemed “very likely”

At nightfall on Thursday, a suicide bombing claimed by the Islamic State group in Khorasan (EI-K), rival of the Taliban’s new power, had turned into a bloodbath, killing more than a hundred people, most of them Afghans massed in front of the airport in the hope of fleeing the Taliban, as well as 13 American soldiers.

On Saturday, US President Joe Biden warned that a new imminent attack was “very likely” in this area, a few days before the planned withdrawal of his troops from the country, synonymous with the departure of the West on August 31.

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