Exploratory talks: SPD and Union have a say

Status: 03.10.2021 5:49 a.m.

The FDP and the Greens have already spoken to each other – today the SPD and Union are also joining the explorations. All parties emphasize that they want to hold open discussions. But between the lines it becomes clear: the Union could have a difficult time.

One week after the federal election, the SPD and the CDU and CSU union also join the exploratory talks for a future federal government. The explorers of the Social Democrats want to discuss a traffic light coalition aimed at by Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz for around two hours each, separately with the FDP and the Greens. In the evening, representatives of the CDU and CSU want to explore opportunities for a Jamaica alliance with the Greens for the first time with the FDP.

First the SPD meets in Berlin at 3:30 p.m. with the FDP and then with the Greens at 6 p.m. A six-person delegation is to come for the SPD, the party is relying on rapid explorations. The Greens and the FDP each send delegations of ten. The FDP group around party leader Christian Lindner then comes together in the evening at 6.30 p.m. for a first round of talks with the Union. Statements should be made after each round.

Ziemiak wants “future alliance”

Laschet had already met members of the CDU exploratory team in Berlin on Saturday to prepare for today’s talks with the FDP and the Greens on Tuesday. CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak told “Bild am Sonntag”: “We are going into talks with the FDP and the Greens with a great sense of responsibility.” He added: “We want to make our contribution in a new future alliance to create something new for our country.”

FDP General Secretary Volker Wissing also emphasized that the FDP was openly entering into talks with the Union and the SPD. “We have our own basic values ​​and an independent program that we want to implement. We need allies for this,” he told the newspapers of the Funke media group. The future government must be progressive and ready to reform. He also called on the Union to clarify “whether they are pulling together”.

CDU boss Laschet under pressure

The FDP leader Christian Lindner also called for something similar. He told “Bild am Sonntag” that the CDU and CSU had to clarify whether they really wanted to lead a government. “Some of the comments from the CDU speculate that negotiations with the SPD should fail before the Union comes back into play. You cannot expect our country to do that,” said Lindner. They are ready for serious talks with the Union and, conversely, hope for the same.

After the historic electoral debacle of the Union, Chancellor candidate and CDU leader Armin Laschet has come under increasing pressure within his own ranks. The CDU is therefore discussing a new structure in terms of content and personnel more and more openly. “There has to be a federal party congress for this, no later than January,” said party vice Jens Spahn of “Welt am Sonntag”. “Nobody can deny that mistakes were made in the election campaign and that our top candidate did not draw properly.” Several CDU politicians called for a member vote on a new line-up if the Jamaica explorations should fail.

Schulz criticizes Laschet

The former SPD chairman Martin Schulz said “Bild am Sonntag” when asked about reasons for Laschet to continue: “Laschet clings to the Jamaica perspective because he believes this is his life insurance.” That leads to a hanging game in the Union. “If Jamaica were not theoretically possible, Laschet would have been forced to resign by his own people.” Anyone who gets a minus of nine percent in a federal election cannot claim to lead the country, “said Schulz.

The SPD had become the strongest force in the Bundestag election last Sunday with 25.7 percent. The Union fell to a low of 24.1 percent. The Greens came in number three with 14.8 percent. Behind was the FDP with 11.5 percent.

The Sunday soundings

Kai Küstner, ARD Berlin, October 3, 2021 6:23 a.m.

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