Explorations by the FDP: No meeting with the CDU yet

As of: 09/30/2021 3:20 am

It is still unclear whether an initial discussion between the FDP and the Union about a possible formation of a government will take place. The FDP had offered this. The CDU had not made an appointment, said FDP General Secretary Wissing.

The planned meeting between the CDU / CSU and the FDP about a possible formation of a government has not yet been scheduled. “The CDU has not yet agreed a fixed date for a meeting with us,” said FDP General Secretary Volker Wissing on ZDF. The FDP had offered Saturday, but from the Union’s point of view it could not take place that way. “Now you have to see when that will be exactly,” said Wissing.

Union Chancellor candidate and CDU leader Armin Laschet and CSU leader Markus Söder had invited the FDP and the Greens to talks about the formation of a Jamaica coalition. Wissing had previously announced that the FDP wanted to speak to the Union this Saturday. On Sunday you will speak to the SPD, said the FDP general secretary on ZDF. The Social Democrats are striving for a so-called traffic light coalition with the Greens and the FDP.

Ten exploratory team?

The FDP will apparently go into talks with the Greens and the SPD about a possible traffic light coalition with a ten-person exploratory team. The exploratory team should include party leader Christian Lindner, general secretary Wissing and the deputy federal chairmen Nicola Beer and Johannes Vogel, reported the magazine “Business Insider”, citing party circles. Party vice Wolfgang Kubicki should not be there.

Previously, the FDP and the Greens had already initiated talks on forming a government with a four-party meeting. Another larger meeting is planned for Friday before the Greens and FDP want to discuss separately with the SPD and Union.

Selfie from the foursome meeting

With reference to confidentiality, Wissing did not want to say anything about the meeting with the Greens, which FDP leader Christian Lindner and the Greens leaders Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck had also attended. The quartet only posted a picture on Instagram.

The programs of both parties are far from each other in many respects, but it is the job of the voters to talk to each other about whether they can form a coalition, said Wissing. This presupposes that you get to know each other better and create a basis of trust. He pointed out that many first-time and young voters voted for the two parties and therefore had expectations. “We want to do justice to this in a serious and competent manner.”

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