Experts from rue d’Aubagne in Marseille, at the bedside of old buildings

While the third and final phase of security work will begin on rue de la Rousselle in Bordeaux, where two 16th century buildings collapsed on June 21, 2021, the diagnosis of the old town will also be undertaken in parallel, from this week. The perilous operation to evacuate the rubble is carried out under the surveillance of motion sensors for the safety of the workers, under the authority of the city “which has replaced the owners and the insurers”, indicates Pierre Hurmic, the mayor from Bordeaux. To understand what happened and draw up a health check-up of the historic center of Bordeaux, experts from the
scientific and technical building center (CSTB) will also proceed with method and precaution, as they did after the collapses that occurred in rue d’Aubagne, in Marseille.

The same year of construction as in Marseille

The sector of rue de la Rousselle belongs to the first fortified enclosure of the city, which is the oldest part. “It’s not the same climate, it’s not the same buildings, but it’s roughly the same year of construction as in Marseille, on the other hand, which dates back two and a half centuries,” explains Romain Mège, doctor. in structural dynamics at the CSTB. Building diagnostics will be carried out on around fifty buildings, half of which are located on rue de la Rousselle. The state of the ground, the state of the networks will also be scrutinized there. The experts will visit some of the buildings concerned by the 172 danger orders (not necessarily imminent) taken by the city of Bordeaux in 2021, and which do not refer to 172 different buildings, since a building can be the subject of several arrested. “All the buildings that we will see outside the rue de la Rousselle will be buildings reported for pathologies”, confirms the expert.

Experts prioritize quality over quantity, targeting specific buildings. “If you are a veterinarian, there is no point in going to see giraffes to try to treat cats”, summarizes Romain Mège. The CSTB will take an interest in buildings dating from the same period of construction as those at La Rousselle. “The idea is to travel all over the city to see the same types of buildings, those that are damaged and those that are in good condition, specifies the expert. We will wonder if this is simply a matter of maintenance or if there are elements that could have caused them to be damaged more quickly than others”.

Rue de la Rousselle is close to the Garonne, which is not necessarily a criterion of vulnerability. “It’s just that it’s specific, we probably have some foundations that are on wooden piles, because we’re near water and on swampy ground and that’s all we have to look at. , completes Romain Mège. This is one of the important elements”.

At the end of the week, the first diagnoses will be carried out on rue de la Rousselle and the experts’ report is expected in early 2023. The building diagnoses will be the fastest, while those for the soil and networks, which will be carried out in parallel with the construction work. stabilization of rue de la Rousselle, will take longer. If the search for responsibilities in the collapses remains the business of justice, it is a question of bringing elements of understanding and a guide of good practices for the city which does not want to relive this type of crisis any more during the mandate.

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