Expensive but good – opinion

The new Agriculture Minister, Cem Özdemir, speaks plain language. Finally. In the case of food, far-reaching reforms are necessary to protect animals, people and the environment.

Nobody can complain that you don’t know where you are at Cem Özdemir. As soon as he is Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture, he speaks plainly: “Sometimes I have the feeling that a good motor oil is more important to us than a good salad oil,” he said image-Newspaper. He would like to see more respect for farmers and animals. Of course, the green wants to protect the climate and the environment. In return, groceries should no longer have junk prices. Seldom has a minister made such a clear statement with price-conscious voters. But he really didn’t say anything new.

Food is too cheap in Germany, and the low prices lead to several upheavals. Animals are bred to high-performance creatures, for example a cow gives almost twice as much milk today as it did in 1990. In addition, the farm animals are kept under sometimes poor conditions. Despite billions in subsidies, none of this leads to adequate incomes for small and medium-sized farmers. To stay with one example: since 2012, the number of dairy farms has decreased by more than 30 percent. At the same time, so much manure is being driven onto the fields and so many pesticides are being sprayed that species are disappearing, soils are suffering, and drinking water is threatened.

Now Özdemir wants to advance what the previous government lacked the strength to do: a mandatory animal welfare label so that customers know what they are buying. More and more organic farming, the products are to be purchased more and more by state institutions. The number of animals should be based on the available area, which will lead to a reduction in stocks and manure. If all of this works, prices are likely to rise; ideally, many consumers will even agree. The government can organize compensation for the socially disadvantaged. And the danger of cheap imports from abroad? Can’t be prevented entirely. But as it is now, it cannot possibly go on.

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