Expense reports in 5 figures

Readers with administrative phobias at work, take refuge under your plaid – or your desk – before reading this article: we are going to talk about expense reports. Don’t worry, you’re not the only ones who don’t like them. An Ifop-Mooncard* study, published this Tuesday morning, questioned business executives in France on this subject. And the least we can say is that it’s not mad love. 20 minutes has selected five key figures for you from this survey, against a backdrop of “I love you, me neither”.

  • 80% of executives have already made expense reports

Yes, you are not the only one who has to go regularly to see Jeanne from accounting. In terms of territories, it is in Ile-de-France that we do the least (77% of managers), and in the South-West the most (83%). In addition, 28% of executives submit at least one expense report per month.

  • 49% of executives report expenses of more than 100 euros per month

Logical consequence: 51% of executives have expense reports of less than 100 euros per month on average. Among the biggest spenders, 38% make notes between 100 and 500 euros, and 7% between 500 and 1,000 euros. For 4% of executives, the sum even exceeds 1,000 euros.

  • Men make a third more expense reports than women

On average, a male executive will generate 8.8 expense reports per year, compared to 5.7 per year for a female. A figure that is reflected in the amounts spent: 54% of female executives do not exceed 100 euros in expense reports per month, compared to 49% of men. And 1% of women go beyond 1,000 euros monthly in expense reports, compared to 5% of men.

  • 30% of executives who report expenses have already been in financial difficulty because of it

Making expense reports is good. Getting reimbursed is better. And as any employee learns the hard way, sometimes it takes time. Only 18% of companies reimburse in less than a week, and half take more than two weeks. To the point of putting some employees in a difficult situation. A third of executives say they have already found themselves “in financial difficulty” because of their expense reports (13% “several times”). One in seven executives has even had a bank overdraft due to late repayment of their notes.

  • 44% of executives have already waived reimbursement of an expense report

As a result of these expense reports that are sometimes difficult to repay, nearly half of executives give up getting reimbursed.

But employees don’t just suffer, they also have a sense of revenge: 66% of those who have already been in financial difficulty have also passed personal expenses into expense reports, compared to 18% on average.

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