Exorcism: Exorcism of devils still exists today

Exorcism still exists today – World Association has elected a new president

Many people think of horror films when they think of an exorcism, but “exorcism of devils” is more common in the church than you think (symbolic image)

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Exorcism still exists today. The Czech priest Karel Orlita has been elected new president of the International Association of Exorcists. But what exactly does an exorcist do in 2023?

Who on Thinking about exorcism often quickly brings to mind the images that Hollywood and many horror films have created from it: a priest armed with a cross and holy water, a possessed man tied to a bed who tries to lash out, repeatedly tense with the Latin Prayers of the clergyman. Screams, curses, insults – until the priest ultimately defeats the devil with the help of his faith – and the scolded person calms down again.

So much for what pop culture has made of exorcisms: exorcism broken down into the fight between priest and demon – good against evil. A practice that seems out of date. Does he really have to exist, the exorcist who frees those possessed by the devil? If you judge some clergy, then apparently so. It is not for nothing that the International Association of Exorcists has elected a new president.

World Exorcists Association has around 900 active exorcists and assistant exorcists

The Czech priest Karel Orlita will take over as chairman of the association in the future. On Sunday, a total of 203 priests and 100 assistant exorcists from all over the world voted for the 53-year-old at their 14th international conference.

The world association is the only one of its kind recognized by the Vatican. It has around 900 active exorcists and assistant exorcists. More than half of them are based in the USA, but some are also on the African continent, in Mexico or in the Czech Republic.

As the Catholic portal “Domradio.de” reports, Orlita explained that to be an exorcist it is not enough “To have a good theological education and to be a good priest”, it takes “something more”.

Exorcism is about “improving the quality of Christian life.” Some believers, on the other hand, turned to exorcists “as if they were Catholic sorcerers,” said Orlita.

Exorcism is a request to God to free people from the power of evil

Basically she understands Catholic Church an exorcism is a request to God to free people from the power of evil. This also includes the ritual expulsion of evil forces and spirits from living beings or objects – practices that also exist in other religious communities or cultures.

In 1614, the Vatican recorded exactly how an exorcism had to be carried out in the so-called “Rituale Romanum”. The practices were based on the New Testament and the exorcisms described therein that Jesus Christ is said to have carried out.

Deaths like that of Anneliese Michel cast a bad light on the rites of the Catholic Church

In 1999, the Roman Catholic Church revised its statutes on exorcisms. One reason for this was probably the case of Anneliese Michel. The religious education student from Klingenberg near Aschaffenburg died of extreme malnutrition in 1976. In the months before her death, a priest had performed major exorcisms on her a total of 67 times, believing she was possessed by demons.

Michel had had health problems since she was a teenager, including being diagnosed with epilepsy and the onset of paranoid psychosis. She was prescribed medication for her seizures, but it was apparently not given to her regularly. As expected, her clinical picture did not improve without medication. She showed self-harming behavior and refused to eat from Lent in March 1976; voices in her head forbade her to eat, said Michel.

Instead of medical support, various clergymen were gradually called in to exorcise Michel. The young woman died on July 1, 1976 from severe malnutrition and pneumonia. At the time of her death she only weighed 31 kilograms. Later, those involved who “treated” Michel were charged and convicted of negligent homicide. Michel’s case was, among other things, the basis for horror films such as “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” and “Requiem”.

Collaboration between clergy and doctors strengthened since 1999

Among other things, Michel’s case shed light on dubious rites of Roman Catholic exorcisms. Since the 1999 amendment, it has therefore been mandatory that a person suspected of possession must first undergo a medical examination. The collaboration between clergy, doctors and therapists has been significantly strengthened since then. In addition, an exorcism of the Catholic Church must be approved by the diocesan bishop and carried out by an appointed exorcist. A major exorcism is generally carried out by two clergy.

They always follow the same ritual. Basically, an exorcism is a prayer performed in Latin for around an hour. After the sprinkling of holy water, there is a liturgy of the word, a symbolic act – such as the laying on of hands or the showing of the cross – followed by a song of thanksgiving, a prayer and a blessing.

However, exorcisms have little in common with horror films. According to Orlita, the rite is much more about “to improve the quality of Christian life.” A small or large exorcism is more common than one might think, for example it is part of a Christian baptism.

The World Exorcists Association was founded in 1994 by the now deceased priest Gabriele Amorth founded. In 2014, the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy officially recognized the association. Armorth’s life was the basis of the recently released horror film “The Pope’s Exorcist,” starring Russell Crowe.

Sources:Cathedral radio, Deutschlandfunk culture, World Association of Exorcists

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