Exhibition: Painter Willy Flingelli in the Munich Oraghaus – Munich

As a fashion graphic artist, Willy G. Flingelli had learned to draw. But he had a special inclination for painting. He painted impressionistic things, playing with light and mood: still lifes, landscapes, buildings. The Oraghaus, ultimately Flingelli’s place of residence and work, was also his subject. The pompous historicism building is still the seat of the tailoring cooperative Orag, which now shows an exhibition by its former member Flingelli. The supporting program for the show includes a tour of the neo-baroque building and a lecture on the history of fashion.

Willy G. Flingelli, Exhibition until Sat, Dec 17, Mon-Sat, 12pm-7pm, guided tour Sat, Nov 26, Mon, Dec 12, 6pm; Lecture Mon., 28 Nov., Tue., 6 Dec., 6 p.m., Oraghaus, Oberanger 9

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