excrement, devastated furniture, an elementary school vandalized in Mulhouse

Strasbourg on 0309 2012. Illustration School. – G. VARELA 20 MINUTES

Students of Henri Matisse elementary school did not return to school this Monday morning. The public elementary school, which mainly welcomes children from the Coteaux district in Mulhouse, was indeed vandalized during the weekend. It was the municipal agents who noticed the intrusion and made the sad discovery. All the classes have been visited and degraded. Devastated furniture, tags, and even the presence of excrement. Degradation which necessitated the closure of the entire establishment.

In a press release, the Mayor of Mulhouse, Michèle Lutz “Strongly condemns these acts which constitute a direct attack on the right to education, and which reflect a total lack of respect for families. “The elected continues by indicating that the municipality will do everything possible so that” light is shed on these acts and that their perpetrators account for their acts before justice. “
She concludes by recalling her support for the educational and municipal team which has been hard at work since Monday morning to repair the damage and allow the establishment to reopen as of Tuesday.

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