“Exchanges” for the reopening of the Allonnes mosque

The closure of this mosque, which occurred in October after suspicions of “radical practice of Islam”, caused a stir. This Thursday, the prefect of Sarthe announced that he would “actively” continue “exchanges” with a new association created for the reopening of the Allonnes mosque. Emmanuel Aubry thus received Mohamed Zantar, president of the Allonnaise Association for Living Together.

Objective: “to jointly consider the legal and administrative formalities with a view to reopening of the Allonnes mosque, supported by this new association”, according to a press release. “The support of the State aims to allow the exercise of worship in compliance with republican principles. The exchanges will continue actively in the coming weeks, in close connection with the municipality, ”added the prefecture.

The two associations dissolved

The prefecture had initiated a procedure in mid-October to close this mosque, which welcomed around 300 worshipers near Le Mans, estimating that sermons there legitimized “the use of armed jihad”. The Council of State had confirmed this closure in November and the two associations managing the mosque were dissolved by the Council of Ministers in January. As for the judicial aspect, it “follows its course”, said Le Mans prosecutor Delphine Dewailly on Thursday. She had opened an investigation for “apology for terrorism and provocation to commit terrorist acts” against “members or leaders of associations” who managed the mosque before its closure.

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