Exchange of fire at Kabul airport, one killed, announces German army

An Afghan guard was killed during an exchange of fire early Monday morning at Kabul airport, leading to the intervention of German and American forces, the German army said.

“This morning at 4:13 am (Sunday 2:43 am GMT), there was an exchange of gunfire between Afghan guards and unidentified assailants at the north gate of Kabul airport. An Afghan guard was killed and three others wounded, ”the German army said on its Twitter account.

Scenes of chaos

German and American soldiers took part in “subsequent exchanges of fire,” added the German army, adding that no German soldier was injured.

Since the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan on August 15, Kabul airport has been the scene of chaotic scenes, in which seven people have been killed, the British Ministry of Defense announced on Sunday. Tens of thousands of desperate Afghans flock to the airport to try to be evacuated.

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