Ex-Muslim leader’s wedding postponed due to eviction proceedings

From a source familiar with the case, the man is the subject of an expulsion procedure. The marriage with a Frenchwoman of the former Algerian head of a place of worship in Hautmont, in the North, has been postponed, said the mayor of the town and the prosecution of Avesnes-sur-Helpe. The place had been closed in December 2018 for apology for acts of terrorism.

The public prosecutor of Avesnes-sur-Helpe, Laurent Dumaine, told AFP that he had “suspended the celebration” of this marriage, “given the ongoing checks in such a situation”, confirming information from The voice of the North.

Place of worship closed in 2018

The interested party, former president of the Assalem association, which managed the place of worship, had requested the celebration of the marriage for September 3 with a French national, explained to AFP the mayor (UDI) of Hautmont, Stéphane Wilmotte. The elected official specified that he had “asked instructions from the prosecution” after having “been informed by the State services of a certain number of elements concerning the applicant’s situation”. According to him, the reprieve runs for one month.

The Assalem association, said the town hall, was also dissolved after the closure of the As-Sunnah prayer room, ordered by the prefect of the North on the grounds that “the ideas which were disseminated there and the activities which took place there provoked violence, hatred and discrimination and advocated acts of terrorism”.

Radicalized foreigners expelled

According to a source close to the case, this Algerian national residing in Hautmont, near Maubeuge, had been notified on August 10 of the launch of an expulsion procedure against him.

In the context of the case of the northern imam Hassan Iquioussen, under the influence of an expulsion order signed by the Minister of the Interior, the latter had underlined, on August 30, that he had asked the prefects “to propose possibilities for the expulsion of people who hold hate speech against the Republic”.

He said that “since 2017, 786 radicalized foreigners had been expelled” from the national territory, and that “74 of them” have been in “the last few months”, welcoming the decision of the Council of State to validate the expulsion of Imam Iquioussen.

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