Ex-“Bild” editor-in-chief: allegations against Reichelt as early as 2019


Status: 02/16/2023 5:00 p.m

The Springer publishing house probably knew much earlier than previously known about the allegations against former “Bild” editor-in-chief Reichelt. show that NDR-Research: Those affected demand an apology.

According to information from Reschke television At least two employees of “Bild” made serious allegations against Julian Reichelt in autumn 2019 by submitting them to the anonymous mailbox at “Bild”. In their letters they report on the abuse of power, drug use and affairs of the “Bild” editor-in-chief.

One of the senders describes “that women are put under pressure to take part because otherwise they will be punished professionally. That the women suffer a lot from the situation”. For fear of personal consequences, she does not want to be named. The submissions were then presented to the board of directors. Axel Springer Verlag did not comment on this when asked.

Abuse of power greater than known

The research shows the picture of a systematic abuse of power at the “Bild” newspaper under the former editor-in-chief Reichelt, the extent of which is significantly greater than previously known. According to this, 13 women reported hitting on, affairs and the professional effects. “It was the fear […] for my existence” described a woman who, at Reichelt’s urging, met him and had sex with him, although she didn’t want it. That’s why she didn’t fight.

In March 2021, following allegations against the then editor-in-chief Reichelt, Axel Springer initiated an investigation and commissioned the Freshfields law firm to clarify the allegations. After the trial, Reichelt was allowed to return to his job for a further eight months. Springer announced in a press release that the result was “not relevant to criminal law”. Reschke television quotes from previously unknown excerpts of the investigation, which were written down for oral transmission to the CEO Mathias Döpfner.

Women describe professional advantages for relationships

It says that a woman reported “impressively and credibly” about her relationship with the “Bild” editor-in-chief. Professional advantages were also credibly described by the person concerned: “Several concrete examples known to us show that Mr. Reichelt’s personal interests clearly outweigh the entrepreneurial ones”.

In the course of the relationship, the person concerned repeatedly responded to Reichelt’s contact for fear of reprisals, although she actually no longer wanted to continue the relationship. “Since she was further harassed by Mr. Reichelt and saw only a change as a way out, she accepted a deterioration in her career,” it continues.

After the unfavorable Freshfields report, Springer-Verlag had a second law firm check whether there was criminal misconduct – with a negative result. Despite the internally known allegations of abuse of power, Reichelt was able to return to the post of editor-in-chief.

Descriptions of professional disadvantages

Other women also confirm opposite Reschke television professional disadvantages that they had to accept after separating from Reichelt. As one of them describes in an interview: “When I withdrew from the affair, he reacted with professional consequences and forced me into very unpleasant situations in front of other colleagues”.

In addition, several of those affected allege that they were influenced in the ongoing proceedings. A woman reports how she was pressured by Reichelt’s confidants not to testify against him.

Several of those affected describe how apparently confidential information from the compliance procedure ended up at Reichelt. Anyone who dared to denounce grievances could apparently experience professional disadvantages: Based on statements against Reichelt, two women describe that they subsequently felt severe professional consequences and ultimately lost their positions, in one case even their job. In a 2020 text message from the Reschke television quoted, it becomes clear how Reichelt himself viewed his dealings with women. “Because a stupid affair like you doesn’t deserve better, quite simply: fuck, lie, throw away.”

NDR-Reporters had to research the show Reschke television Contact to almost 50 participants from the environment of Julian Reichelt and the Springer Group – to current and former employees, women and men, from job starters to managers. From the intensive discussions and the review of dozens of chat messages between Reichelt and employees of the “Bild” newspaper, the picture emerges of a systematic abuse of power, the extent of which is significantly greater than previously known.

Reichelt lawyer speaks of a smear campaign

The employees describe how Reichelt used his position of power as editor-in-chief through promotions and demotions to assert his private interests in women. In a statement through his lawyer, Reichelt described the allegations as “untrue” and “part of an apparently collusive smear campaign.” Springer-Verlag responded to a comprehensive questionnaire with a general statement: “We have already learned a lot from the lessons of the past in terms of cultural development, and are now looking ahead again.”

So far, only one former employee has taken legal action against Springer. She filed a lawsuit in a Los Angeles court in August 2022. However, the proceedings were discontinued before any trial was opened. According to information from Reschke television the woman received a cash payment and made an agreement with Springer not to speak more about the case.

Victims ask for an apology

Those affected by the alleged abuse of power are now demanding a public apology from Springer. The previous statements by CEO Mathias Döpfner would be tantamount to “mockery”, said a person affected to the NDR, “deeply contemptuous” and “insulting” towards the women concerned. Lawyer Christian-Oliver Moser, who represents another person affected, demands an apology for “systematic misconduct in the publishing house” – as well as a correction of the public statements.

The publisher must correct the statement that it was an isolated case. Mathias Döpfner said in a video message shortly after Reichelt was thrown out that the internal investigation had proven a case of a “consensual relationship with an employee”.

“Reschke Fernsehen” reports on the subject on the first at 11:35 p.m.

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