Everything about proper scalp care

We reach for shampoo, mask, conditioner and the like – all in the hope of shiny, healthy hair, whether long or short. Unfortunately, what is often forgotten is the proper care of the scalp! It is not uncommon for people to suffer from the multitude of beauty products that promote dry scalp and dandruff. We are all the more pleased that the new Scalp Care trend is waiting for you at your bathroom door. You can now find out what it’s all about and what’s good for the scalp.

How do I care for my scalp?

Proper scalp care also has an impact on healthy and beautiful hair as it prevents dull hair and hair loss. What is also exciting is the fact that the scalp has the body’s own protective function, influences our sensory perception, protects the immune system and also regulates body temperature.

Another reason why you should care for your scalp: it is exposed to the same environmental influences as the rest of your skin. A conventional shampoo is therefore not sufficient for care. Natural oils and nature-based beauty aids such as special scalp products, which largely avoid harmful ingredients, are particularly recommended.

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By the way: When doing the so-called “skinification” you should definitely not forget that you absolutely have to protect your scalp from the sun. Here, too, the scalp is regularly neglected; it is an area of ​​the body that is particularly vulnerable.

The right scalp care determines whether the scalp is oily or generally tends to be dry.

The right care for dry scalp

Dry scalp may be a sign of psoriasis or other medical conditions. Therefore, if in doubt, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist and have the whole thing checked out. In most cases, however, a dry scalp is relatively harmless and can be managed with the right scalp care. A dry scalp is characterized by itching, redness, a feeling of tension, tingling and micro-inflammation. How to soothe dry and itchy scalp:

  • Only wash your hair every three to four days
  • Wash your hair with lukewarm water and never too hot
  • Rinse care products thoroughly
  • Only use a hairdryer in exceptional cases, otherwise let your hair air dry
  • After washing, gently squeeze your scalp and hair with a towel
  • Use soft brushes and combs that have rounded tips
Care is the be-all and end-all! Find the scalp care tips here and really pamper your scalp!© MStudioImages

Why is my scalp dry?

This can have various causes, which we have listed below:

  • hormonal changes
  • physical and mental stress
  • Chemicals in cosmetic products such as shampoos, use mild, natural products
  • Environmental factors such as UV rays, air pollution, cold and heat
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Care for your scalp: tips for oily scalp

The scalp can be not only too dry, but also too oily. This can also cause problems for you. It can be recognized by a stringy, quickly greasy hairline, itching, dandruff and hair loss. This is the optimal scalp care for oily scalps:

  • Don’t wash your hair more than twice a week
  • Use dry shampoo between washes
  • Blow-dry your hair rarely and only in cold water
  • Avoid care with moisturizing substances
  • Avoid styling products and coloring your hair for the time being
  • regular head massages
Shampoo, conditioner and the like care for our scalp hair - but do we also pay attention to our scalp?  We have the facts!
Shampoo, conditioner and the like care for our scalp hair – but do we also pay attention to our scalp? We have the facts!© Deepak Sethi

Why do I have oily scalp?

The causes of an oily scalp are similar to those that lead to a dry scalp:

  • persistent stress
  • genetic predisposition
  • an unhealthy diet
  • hormonal changes

In the clip: Healing clay as an insider tip for oily scalp

The best home remedies for scalp care

You don’t always need a care product to pamper your scalp. With one or two home remedies, scalp care can be easily integrated into your everyday beauty routine – and all in a natural, uncomplicated way. The best home remedies are:

  • Aloe vera: Balances excessive sebum production, moisturizes and detoxifies the scalp
  • Apple cider vinegar: restores the pH of the scalp, removes sebum deposits on the hair and regulates sebum production
  • Healing clay: absorbs sebum and toxins and remineralizes the unbalanced scalp
  • Lavender: Soothes the irritated scalp and also has a cell-renewing, antiseptic and antimicrobial effect
  • Coconut oil: has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect and relieves itching
  • lemon juice: restores pH and reduces oil secretion
Dry or oily scalp?  We have the most effective scalp care tips for a healthy scalp!
Dry or oily scalp? We have the most effective scalp care tips for a healthy scalp!© bymuratdeniz

Care for your scalp: The best tips

Our conclusion: Scalp care is more complex than often assumed and regular hair washing is not enough. Nevertheless, scalp care is not particularly complicated. These are the best and simplest tips:

  1. A healthy diet is the be-all and end-all
  2. Use a natural scalp scrub every one to two weeks
  3. Using natural and scalp-friendly scalp care products
  4. Wash your hair and scalp regularly, but not too often

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