Event: “Rave The Planet” will take place

“Rave The Planet” will take place

dr Motte holds up the poster for the Techno Parade that is now taking place. photo

© Jšrg Carstensen/dpa

The techno parade “Rave The Planet” was on the brink recently. There was no operational command for medical care. Now things are taking a surprising turn.

The organizers of the planned for Saturday in Berlin Technoparade “Rave The Planet” say they have found a solution for the previously unclear medical care. Unless something unexpected comes up: “The event will take place,” said Managing Director Timm Zeiss.

According to this, a commercial medical service is in charge of operations, and the contracts have been signed. The organizers are thus fulfilling a condition imposed by the assembly authority, which means that the parade can take place. The organizers did not specify the name of the medical service.

solution poses problems

However, the considerable costs for the medical service also put the organizers in a difficult financial situation. “Our non-profit GmbH will of course be affected, to a certain extent,” said Zeiss.

Until recently, a commercial medical service was unaffordable for the organizers, which is why they started a call for donations. In the meantime, the amount demanded by a commercial medical service – in the meantime there was talk of 250,000 euros – has also been reduced somewhat, as the organizers announced.

For the parade, which was led by techno pioneer Dr. Motte is organized and is considered the successor to the Berlin Love Parade, 300,000 people are expected. The police continue to prepare for an operation. The Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR) is expected to have 140 employees and 55 vehicles on duty, she said on Twitter. About 135 cubic meters of waste were collected during the parade last year.

Before that, talks with the Malteser relief service

According to their own statements, the organizers had been in talks with the Malteser relief service since March, but a written contract was never concluded. The relief service complained about delays in planning the event on the part of “Rave The Planet” and finally canceled a collaboration in June. The organizers, on the other hand, were certain of the cooperation despite the lack of a contract because of the agreements made.

The organizers were then given the condition by the assembly authority to organize a “self-financed medical service”, as a spokeswoman for “Rave The Planet” announced. On the other hand, the organizers submitted an urgent application to the administrative court, as a court spokesman confirmed.

As a court spokeswoman said on Friday afternoon, the assembly authority and the organizers have reached an out-of-court agreement. The urgent procedure was thus discontinued. With the urgent application, the organizers had sued against “the financial burden to our detriment”. It wasn’t about not having to provide a medical service. “We want to ensure the safety of our participants at every moment of the meeting,” said Zeiss.

It was not yet clear at midday whether the assembly authority had already been presented with a medical concept. It was also initially unclear whether the organizers would bear the costs for the medical service alone or not.


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