Evangelical Church in the district of Ebersberg – Ebersberg

Baptism, communion, confirmation and confirmation are common terms for most people. Since 2019 there has been an offer called “Konfi3” in the Evangelical Lutheran parishes of Ebersberg, Hohenlinden, Kirchseeon and Steinhöring. Pastor Renate Zorn-Traving reveals who the concept is suitable for, which is the only one in the district so far, and what happens in the process.

SZ: What exactly is “Konfi3”?

Renate Zorn-Traving: It is an offer for third graders that we see as a stopover between the baptism, which one usually experienced as an infant, and the confectionary course in eighth grade. Anyone who does not come to the children’s church service, family church service or children’s Bible day hardly has any points of contact with the parish.

SZ: Why are you turning to third graders in particular?

Because from a developmental point of view this is usually a very stable phase for children in which they are very open to new experiences and encounters. That is why there is first communion. The nice side effect: Even the Protestant children get something special from their parish during the time when their Catholic friends are intensely occupied with the faith.

SZ: So it deals with questions of faith?

Yes and no. The focus of this holistic concept is the fellowship in the group and with the parish. The content-related discussion – what is my way of believing, what appeals to me, what do I see critically and so on – only comes later, in the “real” confi-course. Confi3 is about experiencing faith.

SZ: What are the topics based on?

Baptism, congregation, communion.

SZ: And how do the participants deal with it?

We talk to each other, tell biblical stories, do quiet exercises, play, do handicrafts and sing – if we are allowed to. Everything mixed up. The first time there was a meal we had prepared together, which was very well received.

SZ: How often do the appointments take place?

There are usually six meetings as well as an opening and closing service in which we remember the baptism and celebrate the Lord’s Supper, ideally together with the godparents. Since we start in January, we invite you to the Easter service in between. At least that’s how it went the first time.

SZ: That was before the pandemic. And then?

In 2020 the first three meetings could still take place live, then Corona came, then nothing. In July there was a final meeting plus a church service with the families, but without the Lord’s Supper.

SZ: How did it look in 2021?

Everything was different again. We wanted to start at the beginning of February, but there was lockdown and nothing worked. So we decided to try the “Zoom” experiment. We already had experience with the program, but not in this context. In order to make the most of it creatively, we then had the children in the apartment look for things on the topic.

SZ: What feedback did you get?

The participants were thoroughly satisfied. However, they preferred the “real” meeting at the beginning of April, to which there was an alternative zoom meeting because some parents preferred to leave their children at home out of caution. Most beautiful of all, however, was the last appointment in June. In presence – that beats everything. Especially since the children were able to design the Konfi3 candle together, which was previously standing in front of me at the zoom meetings without being glued. Now she was allowed to be colorful and tell about the children who were there. We always give them a free hand, the only requirement is: There must be a symbol on it that stands for church and faith, and every child must appear.

SZ: When you speak of “we” …

… also mean the volunteers who shape the Konfi3 course with me. So far these were all Confi3 children mothers who were already active in the children’s church service or on the children’s Bible day. But of course it could also be fathers, I’m totally open.

SZ: And what do the volunteers do?

Basically, it is intended that there will be a mixture of general meetings and small group meetings led by parents. But I didn’t trust myself to do that because the preparation of the group leaders is very time-consuming. That’s why I worked out a mixed concept.

SZ: How does that look?

Those registered – sometimes twelve, sometimes more than 20 children – are usually all together, are only now and then divided into smaller units so that one can better exchange ideas. In 2021 we formed two groups from the start because it was clear that in the case of a face-to-face event with the known distance rules, only a limited number of children would have fit into the meetinghouses. And with zoom, too, it quickly becomes difficult to keep an eye on everyone if there are too many.

SZ: Is it still possible to register for 2022?

Yes, until December 14th. And, very importantly, we also wholeheartedly welcome unbaptized children, whom we naturally cannot write to. Every year there are some who take the opportunity to take a look at the matter and make contact. If you want to stay with it, you can decide afterwards.

SZ: Will it take place in any case?

Yeah yeah We are now tried and tested and prepared for all eventualities in the future.

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