Evangelical Church: EKD council chairwoman gives up top positions

Annette Kurschus is resigning from her position. Background: still unsolved suspected cases against a former church employee. At the same time, she emphasizes: “I am at peace with myself about this.”

Annette Kurschus gives up – with her head held high. The council chairwoman of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and head of the Westphalian regional church is resigning from both positions with immediate effect.

In a personal statement in Bielefeld, the theologian said that the situation had become so dire that there could only be one consequence to avert damage to the church: “I am resigning from both church leadership positions.” At the same time, she emphasized: “I am at peace with myself about this.”

Accusations had been made against Kurschus that she had known many years ago about suspicions of sexually assaultive behavior by a church employee in the Siegen church district at the time. It is still unclear whether this constitutes criminal misconduct.

How does Kurschus justify her radical step?

The clergyman complained that a conflict was being stirred up in public between those affected by sexual violence and her as a public official. The successes that the church has achieved over many years in dealing with and combating sexual violence together with those affected should not be jeopardized. She stands for the people who work here. “I don’t want to harm you with headlines by remaining in office.” The 60-year-old came to the microphone looking pale, fighting back tears for a few moments, her voice becoming cracked in places.

She said that public trust in her person had been damaged. This absurdly draws attention away from those affected and the injustice that has been done to them. The development would make it impossible for her to take a position on current socio-political issues in the future, as her positions require – and she also demands of herself. As a result, she is resigning “for that reason – and only for that reason.”

What is the suspicion against the former churchman?

The “Siegener Zeitung” got the case rolling. She had relied on the statements of two men who claimed to have informed Kurschus in detail about the allegations of abuse in the 1990s. The public prosecutor’s office is investigating several suspected cases against a former church employee who, like Kurschus, worked in the Siegen church district in the 1990s. The allegations in the Kurschu case essentially revolve around the question of what exactly she was informed about and when.

Kurschus said she was never employed by the man and had been friends with his family for a long time. At the same time, she admitted: “I wish I had been so attentively trained and sensitive to behavioral patterns 25 years ago that would alarm me today.” She “perceived” other things at the time, such as the accused’s described marital infidelity. She never tried to “save her own skin”, cover up or even cover up an accused.

According to the investigative authority in Siegen, there is so far “no indication that physical violence or a threat to life and limb has occurred against a person.” Several people made different allegations, details were not given. There is currently no knowledge that minors could have been affected at the time. Kurschus made it clear that she wanted to protect personal rights and that it had nothing to do with a lack of transparency. The man is now retired.

The pressure had increased significantly

The pressure on Kurschus, including within the church, had grown rapidly in the past few days. As the highest representative of the Protestant Church, as the face of the 19.2 million Protestant Christians, Kurschus was in particular and increasing need to explain.

The EKD’s Sexual Violence Participation Forum – made up of those affected and church representatives – had kept its distance. Spokesman Detlev Zander had publicly described Kurschus as no longer able to hold office. The president of the synod, Anna-Nicole Heinrich, also distanced herself.

Kurschus took up her position as EKD chairwoman in November 2021 and declared combating and elucidating sexual violence in the church to be a “chief issue”. Kurschus regretted that trust in her had now suffered in this area of ​​all places. But she will continue to work here.

Why the time pressure?

The clergyman said she carried out both positions with heart and passion. In 2012 she became president – regional bishop – of the Westphalian regional church. The regional synod of the Westphalian Church, which is normally led by the President, will take place at the end of this week. Here too, she wanted to quickly create clarity for the upcoming plans, said Kurschus. The independent study commissioned by the EKD on sexual violence in the regional churches is also due to be presented in January.

With immediate effect, the deputy council chairwoman, Hamburg Bishop Kirsten Fehrs, will temporarily take over the office of the EKD council chair. Fehrs said that Kurschus’ resignation means that the council is obliged to consistently continue on the path it has taken in dealing with and preventing sexual violence. The 62-year-old bishop praised Kurschus’ “straightforwardness and consistency.” The chairman of the Catholic German Bishops’ Conference, Georg Bätzing, said: “With the resignation of Annette Kurschus, the ecumenical engine in our country is losing an essential drive.” Ecumenism stands for cooperation between Christians from different churches.

A difficult fate for Kurschus and her church environment

Many people – especially from the Westphalian district – are behind Kurschus. Parishioners, employees and members of the church leadership asked her to stay, said Kurschus. And: “This step is not easy for me.” But the momentum can no longer be stopped, she made it clear to media representatives.

Kurschus took almost nine minutes to explain her conclusion and ended like this: “I am at peace with God and myself, and so I leave very sadly, but confidently and upright.” Then she hurried out of the hall – Kurschus probably no longer heard the prolonged applause.


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