Evacuation of Mariupol “postponed” for breach of ceasefire

The evacuation of residents of Mariupol, a strategic port in southeastern Ukraine surrounded by Russian forces and their allies, has been postponed due to multiple Russian violations of the ceasefire, the town hall accused on Saturday. The evacuation of civilians, which was to begin at the end of the morning, “is postponed for security reasons”, because the Russian forces “continue to bombard Mariupol and its surroundings”, the municipality declared on Telegram.

The municipality called on the civilians who had gathered at the exit points of the city to “return to shelters”. “Negotiations are underway with Russia to establish a (ceasefire) and ensure the establishment of a humanitarian corridor,” she added. On Saturday morning, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the entry into force of a ceasefire to allow civilians from Mariupol and the town of Volnovakha, 60 km to the north, to leave.

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