Eurovision Song Contest 2022: Malik Harris promises two things before the final

Euro Vision Song Contest 2022
Malik Harris promises two things ahead of Finale

Malik Harris represents Germany at the ESC with his song “Rockstars”.

© NDR/André Kowalski

Malik Harris will represent Germany at ESC 2022 this Saturday evening. Before that, he reported back to Instagram.

The grand finale of the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 will take place today, May 14th. When it starts at 9:00 p.m., Malik Harris (24) will also be there. He represents Germany in the music mega show with his song “Rockstars” in starting position 13. Before the event, Harris contacted his fans again.

An Instagram story shows the singer arriving in front of the Pala Olimpico in Turin. “I’m so in the mood. I’m super happy,” Harris grins into the smartphone camera. In another post The 24-year-old explained that the big day has come and that he will always be grateful for this “incredible experience” and for “all the love and support” that has been shown to him.

Malik Harris can promise two things

Everyone has already done “sooooooo much” for him, but there are three more things to do: “Watch the show tonight, sing along to ‘Rockstars’ as loud as you can and of course vote for me if enjoy the show.” Meanwhile, he can promise two things, no matter what happens that evening. “I’m going to fucking enjoy every second of it tonight,” Harris said. And he will do his best on stage.

The “Finale from Turin” follows fans in the first, on ONE, in the ARD media libraryon “” or live on Deutsche Welle from 9:00 p.m. In addition to the acts in the competition, last year’s winners Maneskin will also perform and perform a medley. The show is moderated by Laura Pausini (47), Alessandro Cattelan (42) and Mika (38). ESC legend Peter Urban (74) commented.


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