European Union: How are you, Europe? Travel live across the continent with the star!

The EU elections begin on June 6th. Many people are just not interested in this because they are frustrated with the politicians in Brussels. What does the EU even mean to you anymore? Journey through a confused continent.

If there are elections in the European Union from June 6th to 9th, 2024, many citizens will not go. Many people have the impression that there is a corrupt political elite in Brussels that only represents its own interests and builds up bureaucracy instead of addressing the “real problems”. At the same time, people in Eastern Europe in particular greatly value values ​​such as freedom of travel, freedom of expression and freedom of the press. So what is wrong with it? Why is trust in the EU institutions dwindling so rapidly? What are people’s concerns and hopes? And what motivates them to stick to the European community?

The search for answers sets out star-Reporter David Wunschel on a three-week trip from north to south through the continent. You can also have a say in where he stops and who he talks to. He records his impressions in this blog as well as in videos and reports that you can follow daily. At the end of his trip, he confronted EU parliamentarian Hannah Neumann with the results of his research.

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