European Championship of Mayors: “Successful only as a team” – Panorama

It was hardly founded by the German Association of Towns and Municipalities than it had its first major success: the German national football team of mayors won the 2008 European Championship in Austria. Now it’s time for another EM. Mayors can apply to be nominated – they had to prove their skills in a training camp. Dietmar Späth is mayor of the Baden-Württemberg municipality of Muggensturm and has experienced a lot with the national team.

SZ: Mr. Späth, where can I reach you right now?

Dietmar Späth: In South Tyrol. I’m on vacation.

Are you recovering there from the friendly against Poland at the weekend?

Exactly, that went out 3:3. I was substituted on in the second half.

As a Muggensturm striker?

Yes, on the front lines. But this time I didn’t hit it myself.

Next time again, Mr. Späth. What do 20 mayors actually talk about in a training camp like this?

We talk a lot about politics. These are often conversations about topics that are currently affecting us all. At the moment, of course, the war in Ukraine and the question of how best to deal with the refugees. We don’t just meet to play and train, we exchange ideas and help each other.


The national team of mayors is a socio-political project. This time it was particularly important and exciting for me, because as the new mayor of Baden-Baden I will soon have to deal with numerous refugees, and here in southern Germany, a particularly large number arrive.

Can you look forward to the European Championships in Slovakia at all?

In view of these unbelievable conditions of war, there will be no big event. Nevertheless, we wanted to meet to talk to mayors from all over Europe about the situation in Ukraine. Fourteen nations will be there.

You get around quite a bit as a football-loving mayor.

Yes, in Europe and around the world. We have been to Brazil, South Africa, Palestine, Israel and many other countries. We combine communication with fundraisers for local aid projects. Always prepared by the Federal Foreign Office. And of course we play soccer. We do this with our holiday and pay for everything ourselves.

Dietmar Späth, 58, has been mayor of the municipality of Muggensturm in Baden-Württemberg since 1993. From June, the non-party politician will take over the same office in the city of Baden-Baden. He has been playing for the German national football team of mayors since 2008.

(Photo: Municipality of Muggensturm)

How was Palestine?

We heard a lecture there by the first mayor of Ramallah, a very interesting woman! We also listened to the director of the PLO, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and got to know his view of the conflict. A week later we were in Israel, where we also played, an official international match. On this occasion, all Israeli mayors have come together for the first time. This trip gave me a completely new perspective on the tense situation there.

Is there a moment in your career that you particularly like to remember? A great goal maybe?

Winning the European Championship in 2008 – quite clearly. It was also very special that we were allowed to be state guests in Armenia for eight days when we had an international match there that was played in Yerevan. There were about 7000 spectators on site and also the television. A very special day. Even though we lost.

Can you learn something from football for your work as mayor?

Both can only be successful as a team. That was the basis of our success in Muggensturm, that everyone pulled together: administration, municipal council and citizenship. And that’s how it felt when we became European champions in 2008. Back then we displayed the same virtues.

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