Europe 1 and Hanouna called to work with “honesty” by Arcom

A quick reminder, just in case… On Wednesday, the French audiovisual policeman reminded Europe 1 of its obligations in terms of “pluralism” and “honesty” regarding electoral news. Arcom sent a letter to the radio station owned by conservative billionaire Vincent Bolloré, where Cyril Hanouna has been presenting a program on the legislative elections since Monday.

This daily program called “On marche sur le tête” dealing with political news will have to “treat electoral news with moderation and honesty”, Arcom said, a journalist from Le Monde revealed. Europe 1 must also “strictly” ensure “ensure a plurality of points of view in debate broadcasts”, writes Arcom.

Since Monday, many observers have pointed out the absence of pluralism in Cyril Hanouna’s radio show, in favor of the far right. For the premiere, the presenter was strong, inviting the mayor of Béziers and former close friend of Marine Le Pen Robert Ménard, the former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, the RN MEP Matthieu Vallet and the president of Reconquête! Eric Zemmour.

Reporters Without Borders is concerned

In February, the Council of State asked to “know as soon as possible the measures” that Europe 1 intends to implement to comply with its various obligations.

Follow the legislative news

Seized by Reporters Without Borders of the case of CNews, also controlled by Vincent Bolloré and considered by the NGO as an “opinion media”, the Council of State then ordered Arcom to strengthen its control of channel pluralism. The regulator should unveil a reinforced system before the end of the summer but the principle of the decision already applies.

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