Europa League: Eintracht fans in jubilation – magical night in Seville

It was almost midnight when Rafael Borré converted the decisive penalty for Frankfurt Eintracht. After that there was no holding back – neither in Seville nor in distant Frankfurt, where the Waldstadion was sold out during the public viewing: jubilation, ecstasy, endless joy at Eintracht’s first international title in 42 years. In the 5: 4 (1: 1, 1: 1, 0: 0) after a penalty shoot-out against Glasgow Rangers, the nerves of the fans were stretched to the breaking point – to the point of salvation.

At home on the Main, some overshot the mark. On Thursday night there were several clashes between celebrating fans and the police in downtown Frankfurt. “It’s a sea of ​​shards,” said a police spokesman. Among other things, a radio car was trampled by celebrating people after they had climbed onto the roof. Some revelers also threw bottles at emergency services, as the Frankfurt police wrote on Twitter.

Most fans, on the other hand, celebrated the historic Eintracht victory peacefully, loudly and exuberantly on the streets. Quiet only returned very late. This Thursday, however, the party continues when the Eintracht players appear on the balcony of the Römer in Frankfurt.


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