Eucalyptus gunnii: Planting, cultivation and care

Eucalyptus Gunii
© istock

Presentation of eucalyptus gunnii

Fact sheet :

Scientific nameEucalyptus gunnii
Other nameCider gum, round-leaved eucalyptus
EtymologyThe term eucalyptus is made up of two words from ancient Greek: “eû” which means “good” and “káluptos” which means “covered” in reference to the fact that the calyx remains closed until after flowering, which is rare.
Dimensions20 m high and 10 m wide when mature
Flower color(s)Beige
Leaf color(s)Light green
Appearance of the flowersUmbel of 3 flowers

Appearance of the leavesSmall round leaves when young, then elongated

Plant typeTREE
Foliage in winterPersistent













Culture sheet:














ExposureSun, Partial shade
GroundDrained, Sandy, Light
UseIsolated, Trimmed hedge
MultiplicationSemi, Cutting
Disease(s) and pest(s)Resistant

What is the ideal light and exposure for eucalyptus gunnii?

The cider gum tree appreciates sunny locations, or even partial shade provided it is installed sheltered from violent, dry and cold winds. But when installing it, some precautions should be taken:

  • Be careful not to plant it too close to a building or pipes, because its root system is extensive.
  • Likewise, it is best to avoid planting it near water-saving plants, as its roots tend to dry out the soil.

What is the ideal temperature for cider gum?

Eucalyptus gunnii is quite hardy since it can withstand temperatures down to -12/-15°C.

Watering eucalyptus gunnii

Eucalyptus gunnii is quite resistant to drought once established. It is only during the first two years of its life that it is necessary to worry about its watering. This one must be plentiful at planting time. Then, water it regularly if an episode of drought continues.

Ideal atmospheric humidity

Accustomed to hot and dry climates, it prefers regions where temperatures remain mild throughout the year and where atmospheric humidity is not too high.

What types of soil and fertilizer for your eucalyptus gunnii?


To grow well, eucalyptus gunnii needswell-drained and rather cool soil. Likewise, it has a preference for slightly acidic soils and hates limestone soils.


You can add compost in autumn or early spring.

Planting and repotting eucalyptus gunnii

Reserve a large space for your round-leaved eucalyptus, as it is a tree that will quickly become quite imposing and whose root system will develop well. Also, remember the precautions we listed earlier in this article.

The other thing to know is that the younger you plant a gum tree, the more assured its recovery is.

Here’s how to plant:

  • After purchasing your eucalyptus, immerse the root ball in room temperature water to thoroughly rehydrate the roots.
  • Prepare a hole 3 times larger than the root ball.
  • At the bottom of the hole, install a bed of gravel to promote drainage.
  • Place your eucalyptus in the hole thus prepared, making sure to put it straight.
  • Fill the hole with earth possibly enriched with humus or sand to promote drainage. Be careful not to bury the crown of your eucalyptus.
  • Finally, carry out copious watering. Then all you have to do is let nature take its course!

How to propagate eucalyptus gunnii?

To propagate your eucalyptus, you can proceed by cuttings or by sowing, this second solution being the easiest to achieve.


There are different cutting techniques, but not all have the same success rate. You can make cuttings by taking the tips of your eucalyptus branches at the beginning or end of summer. Allow around twenty to fifteen centimeters.

As soon as you have taken your cuttings, put them in water to prevent them from drying out.

Remove the bottom leaves and insert your cuttings into pots filled with substrate. Then install these cups in a saucer filled with water and under a transparent cover or a mini greenhouse. Store your cuttings at a temperature between 27 and 32° away from the sun, taking care to keep the substrate moist.

Roots should be visible after 4 weeks.


You can harvest seeds in autumnand keep them cool and dry until they are planted in pots.

To promote germination, the temperature must be at 25° and the substrate must always be humid. Let your young plants grow in the pots until they are large enough to put in the ground. To do this, wait until nighttime temperatures no longer drop below 10°.

How to prune the cider gum tree?

If you prune regularly, you will get a bushier tree and you will have more often the opportunity to enjoy its lovely round-shaped juvenile foliage. If your tree freezes in winter, you can carry out severe pruning by cutting the trunk at ground level. Don’t worry, it will come back in clumps from the base. You can prune it between April and May.

Cleaning the plant

It is a tree that requires little maintenance except for regular pruning, as seen previously.

Eucalyptus species and varieties: there are many species

The genus Eucalyptus has more than 600 species of trees and shrubs. There are also different subspecies of Eucalyptus gunnii. We can cite, for example:

  • eucalyptus gunnii var. undulata rehder;
  • eucalyptus gunnii var. montana Hook f. ;
  • etc.

The 4 points to remember about eucalyptus gunnii

  • It’s a very aesthetic tree which bears magnificent evergreen silver-blue foliage. It will bring a decorative touch to your garden. You will also appreciate being able to pick a few branches to make a bouquet.
  • Very resistant, it tolerates drought and temperatures down to -12°C. Its cultivation is ideal in regions where summer temperatures are high and episodes of drought are increasingly widespread.
  • He is easy to maintain since you just need to prune it regularly according to the desired shape.
  • He is to install in drained soil and in a sunny location, remaining, however, vigilant about the nearby environment, because in addition to being a fairly imposing tree, it has a developed root system.

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