EU Parliament: Von der Leyen defends possible coalition with ECR group

Eu Parliament
Von der Leyen defends possible coalition with ECR group

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (2nd from right) had to explain herself during a debate in Brussels. Photo

© Nicolas Maeterlinck/Belga/dpa

How closely will the new EU Parliament work with right-wing parties after the election? Ursula von der Leyen has to explain herself in a TV debate.

In a debate with other leading representatives of European party families, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen justified not ruling out cooperation with the right-wing conservative ECR group.

“I worked very well with Giorgia Meloni in the European Council, as I do with all heads of state and government,” said the lead candidate of the EPP group in the EU Parliament in Brussels. Meloni is clearly for Europe and against Putin, she said that very clearly. “And for the rule of law – if it stays that way – then we offer to work together.”

The ultra-right party of Italian Prime Minister Meloni, Fratelli d’Italia, is a member of the ECR group. During a debate in Maastricht at the end of April, von der Leyen did not rule out cooperation with this group after the election.

Incomprehension about von der Leyen’s attitude

Sandro Gozi, lead candidate of the liberal Renew group, expressed incomprehension about von der Leyen’s attitude during the discussion in Brussels: He did not understand how the European People’s Party and von der Leyen were willing to open up to Meloni. “You have to fight against the extreme right.” Gozi described both the ECR group and the right-wing nationalist ID group as part of the extreme right.

The lead candidate of the European Social Democrats, Nicolas Schmit, also stressed that there should be no alliance with the extreme right. “I would say: in such matters we need clarity and not ambiguity.”

“No compromise with the extreme right”

Walter Baier, the leading candidate of the European left, also insisted that there should be no compromise with the extreme right and its agenda. “That’s why I was really shocked, Ms von der Leyen, when I heard you say in Maastricht that the outcome of the elections will determine whether you will form a coalition with them or work with them.”

Terry Reintke, lead candidate of the European Greens, warned that a shift to the right in the election and a possible cooperation between the EPP and ECR groups would be “a catastrophe for the climate”. The so-called Eurovision debate was broadcast on television across Europe. Representatives of ECR ​​and ID did not take part. The organizing European Broadcasting Union justified this by saying that they had not nominated any lead candidates for the Commission presidency.


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