EU Medicines Agency: EMA clears the way for corona vaccines for babies

EU Medicines Agency
EMA clears the way for corona vaccines for babies

A woman draws up a dose of Biontech/Pfizer vaccine for a corona vaccination. photo

© Marijan Murat/dpa

After the corona vaccines from Pfizer/Biontech and Moderna have shown their effectiveness in adults, the EU medicines authority EMA now also recommends them to protect the youngest.

The EU medicines agency EMA has cleared the way for two corona vaccines for babies from six months. With the vaccines from the manufacturers Pfizer/Biontech or Moderna, such children could also be protected from corona infection, the EMA announced on Wednesday in Amsterdam. Both vaccines were already approved for adults and children aged five and six years respectively. However, the doses for babies and young children are significantly lower.

Now the EU Commission still has to approve the approval; this is considered a formality. However, whether babies are offered a corona vaccination at all is a decision of the respective EU member states. According to the EMA experts, studies had shown that even babies and young children were protected from infection at a very low dose.

According to the EMA, after a vaccination fatigue, loss of appetite, skin rash or pain at the injection site can occur. However, these side effects are usually very mild and only last a few days. EMA experts will continue to monitor and assess the safety and efficacy of both vaccines.

Both vaccines have already shown their effectiveness in adults, the EMA said. They prevented a severe course of the disease, admission to hospitals and deaths after a corona infection.

Information from the EMA


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